Scalar-valued Functions Scalar-valued Functions
dbo.ufnGetAccountingEndDateScalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the starting account date.
dbo.ufnGetAccountingStartDateScalar function used in the uSalesOrderHeader trigger to set the ending account date.
dbo.ufnGetDocumentStatusTextScalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the Document table.
dbo.ufnGetProductDealerPriceScalar function returning the dealer price for a given product on a particular order date.
dbo.ufnGetProductListPriceScalar function returning the list price for a given product on a particular order date.
dbo.ufnGetProductStandardCostScalar function returning the standard cost for a given product on a particular order date.
dbo.ufnGetPurchaseOrderStatusTextScalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the PurchaseOrderHeader table.
dbo.ufnGetSalesOrderStatusTextScalar function returning the text representation of the Status column in the SalesOrderHeader table.
dbo.ufnGetStockScalar function returning the quantity of inventory in LocationID 6 (Miscellaneous Storage)for a specified ProductID.
dbo.ufnLeadingZerosScalar function used by the Sales.Customer table to help set the account number.