Stored Procedures [dbo].[uspLogError]
Logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information.
ANSI Nulls OnTrue
Quoted Identifier OnTrue
NameData TypeMax Length (Bytes)DirectionDescription
@ErrorLogIDint4OutOutput parameter for the stored procedure uspLogError. Contains the ErrorLogID value corresponding to the row inserted by uspLogError in the ErrorLog table.

-- uspLogError logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the
-- error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a
-- TRY...CATCH construct. This should be executed from within the scope
-- of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error
-- information.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspLogError]
   @ErrorLogID [int] = 0 OUTPUT -- contains the ErrorLogID of the row inserted
AS                               -- by uspLogError in the ErrorLog table

   -- Output parameter value of 0 indicates that error
   -- information was not logged
   SET @ErrorLogID = 0;

       -- Return if there is no error information to log

       -- Return if inside an uncommittable transaction.
       -- Data insertion/modification is not allowed when
       -- a transaction is in an uncommittable state.
       IF XACT_STATE() = -1
           PRINT 'Cannot log error since the current transaction is in an uncommittable state. '
               + 'Rollback the transaction before executing uspLogError in order to successfully log error information.';

       INSERT [dbo].[ErrorLog]
           CONVERT(sysname, CURRENT_USER),

       -- Pass back the ErrorLogID of the row inserted
       SET @ErrorLogID = @@IDENTITY;
       PRINT 'An error occurred in stored procedure uspLogError: ';
       EXECUTE [dbo].[uspPrintError];
       RETURN -1;
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'Logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error information.', 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'uspLogError', NULL, NULL
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'Output parameter for the stored procedure uspLogError. Contains the ErrorLogID value corresponding to the row inserted by uspLogError in the ErrorLog table.', 'SCHEMA', N'dbo', 'PROCEDURE', N'uspLogError', 'PARAMETER', N'@ErrorLogID'