Desktop Signup Troubleshooting

Applies to: Dataedo 24.x (current) versions, Article available also for: 10.x, 23.x

Dataedo Desktop requires internet connection to sign up to Dataedo Account and check user's available licenses. You migh encounter one of the following errors while connecting:

  1. You don't have internet connection:

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  1. Your firewall (on desktop or network) does not allow connections:

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  1. Our servers are down or overloaded and application hangs.


  1. Check the Internet connection,
  2. Unlock Dataedo for specified ports in your firewall,
  3. Get an offline license key,
  4. If the error takes a while to appear (more than a couple of seconds) then maybe our servers are overloaded and you could try after Try in a few minutes,
  5. Contact support.
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