Neo4J support

Applies to: Dataedo 24.x (current) versions, Article available also for: 10.x, 23.x

Supported versions and editions

  1. Neo4J from 3.5 to 5.14
    • Community Server
    • Enterprise Server
  2. Neo4J Aura (cloud)

Supported metadata

Dataedo reads following metadata from Neo4J databases.

  • Nodes
    • Properties
      • Name
      • Data type
      • Nullables
    • Relations with other nodes
    • Node keys
    • Unique constraints
    • Relations with other nodes
  • Relations
    • Properties
      • Name
      • Data type
      • Nullables
    • Connected nodes
  • Procedures
    • Input/Output
    • Dependecies
  • Functions
    • Input/Ouput
    • Dependecies

Data profiling

Datedo does not support data profiling in Neo4j.

Learn more

Connecting to Neo4j

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