Workflows configuration

Maria Pulawska - Dataedo Team Maria Pulawska 3rd June, 2024

Workflow configuration

Workflow configuration is only available for admin users in Dataedo Portal.

As of 24.2 there is one workflow available for all manual objects (terms, domains and lookups). It can be edited by navigating to Data Catalog Settings and then Workflows.

Default configuration

We provide a default workflow after creating or upgrading a repository. It consists of 7 predefined statuses with default settings determining e.g. who’s allowed to set certain status.

All of these parameters are customizable and can be adjusted according to organization’s needs.

They will be displayed for Data Stewards in the defined order. The order can be changed by draggind and dropping a selected column.

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Read more about each section In the next paragraphs.

Changing visibility

The column Visible for viewers defines whether an object in a certain status is visible for users without edit permission. Usually most of the statuses would have this parameter set as No, meaning if the object is still a work in progress, it’s not visible to the viewers. Once it lands in a Published status it becomes visible to the viewers.

As all of these settings, it can be customized according to the organization’s needs.

Changing who can set this status

It is possible to restrict the ability of a selected group of people to set statuses. For example, terms can only be published by certain authorized persons. This can be defined by a role, user group or a Custom Field (of type user) which can be assigned to a selected person.

Multiple rules can be defined to set a given status. In a result users who match these rules will all be able to set this specific status.

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Users who don’t match these rules will be able to set this status. They will the see this status grayed out with a tooltip mentioning lacking permission.

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Changing assignee

Assignee is a user (or multiple users) who is assigned to move the objects status further. These users will also see objects in this status assigned to them in the Steward Hub, where they can take some action and set another status. They will also be notified about an object they should take care about (perform action and move it to a correct status).

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Later in Steward Hub users will see e.g. terms in status Idea which should be reviewed and an action should be taken. They can be either moved to the next status in the workflow, changed back to a previous status if they didn’t meet the expectations or be rejected.

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Note that in our default configuration some statuses have Unassigned in Assignee column. It means that no further action is required after object is Published or Rejected.

CTA text in Steward Hub

This parameter defines the text visible in Steward Hub in the navigation tree. It should describe the action that should be taken with objects in this status. For example when object is in status Ready to publish our default CTA says Approve, and for objects in For Review the action is Review and so on. Please remember about defining this text to make it obvious what action should be taken once object lands in this status.

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Adding and removing statuses

You can add as many statuses to your workflow as you need. To do so, use Add status button, right above the Save button. Once clicked a status is added at the end of the statuses list and you can fill in all the information.

It is possible to remove statuses according to your needs. Removing is performed after clicking on the three dots icon on the right.

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It is possible that there are some objects in the status that is about to be deleted from our system. To prevent any errors, you will be asked to select a new status for those objects once the current status is removed.

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Approver role

We added Approver role, a copy of Data Steward when it comes to permissions. This role’s intention is to allow bigger organizations to enable two step approves, based on the user role. So a configuration could be made in a way that only users with Approver role are allowed to publish objects, so that they are visible to all the viewers in the application.