Documentation | AdventureWorks |
Schema | dbo |
Name | ufnGetContactInformation |
Module | Human Resources |
Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact.
Mode | Name | Data type | Description | |
1 | OUT | Returns | table type | |
2 | IN | PersonID | int | Input parameter for the table value function ufnGetContactInformation. Enter a valid PersonID from the Person.Contact table. |
Input parameter for the table value function ufnGetContactInformation. Enter a valid PersonID from the Person.Contact table. |
Name |
CREATE FUNCTION [ufnGetContactInformation](@PersonID int) RETURNS @retContactInformation TABLE ( -- Columns returned by the function [PersonID] int NOT NULL, [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [JobTitle] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [BusinessEntityType] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) AS -- Returns the first name, last name, job title and business entity type for the specified contact. -- Since a contact can serve multiple roles, more than one row may be returned. BEGIN IF @PersonID IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e WHERE e.[BusinessEntityID] = @PersonID) INSERT INTO @retContactInformation SELECT @PersonID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, e.[JobTitle], 'Employee' FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] AS e INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] p ON p.[BusinessEntityID] = e.[BusinessEntityID] WHERE e.[BusinessEntityID] = @PersonID; IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] AS v INNER JOIN [Person].[BusinessEntityContact] bec ON bec.[BusinessEntityID] = v.[BusinessEntityID] WHERE bec.[PersonID] = @PersonID) INSERT INTO @retContactInformation SELECT @PersonID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, ct.[Name], 'Vendor Contact' FROM [Purchasing].[Vendor] AS v INNER JOIN [Person].[BusinessEntityContact] bec ON bec.[BusinessEntityID] = v.[BusinessEntityID] INNER JOIN [Person].ContactType ct ON ct.[ContactTypeID] = bec.[ContactTypeID] INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] p ON p.[BusinessEntityID] = bec.[PersonID] WHERE bec.[PersonID] = @PersonID; IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Sales].[Store] AS s INNER JOIN [Person].[BusinessEntityContact] bec ON bec.[BusinessEntityID] = s.[BusinessEntityID] WHERE bec.[PersonID] = @PersonID) INSERT INTO @retContactInformation SELECT @PersonID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, ct.[Name], 'Store Contact' FROM [Sales].[Store] AS s INNER JOIN [Person].[BusinessEntityContact] bec ON bec.[BusinessEntityID] = s.[BusinessEntityID] INNER JOIN [Person].ContactType ct ON ct.[ContactTypeID] = bec.[ContactTypeID] INNER JOIN [Person].[Person] p ON p.[BusinessEntityID] = bec.[PersonID] WHERE bec.[PersonID] = @PersonID; IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Person].[Person] AS p INNER JOIN [Sales].[Customer] AS c ON c.[PersonID] = p.[BusinessEntityID] WHERE p.[BusinessEntityID] = @PersonID AND c.[StoreID] IS NULL) INSERT INTO @retContactInformation SELECT @PersonID, p.FirstName, p.LastName, NULL, 'Consumer' FROM [Person].[Person] AS p INNER JOIN [Sales].[Customer] AS c ON c.[PersonID] = p.[BusinessEntityID] WHERE p.[BusinessEntityID] = @PersonID AND c.[StoreID] IS NULL; END RETURN; END; |
Exported: 2019-02-04 23:13, Last imported: 2018-03-07 11:56