Documentation | WideWorldImporters |
Schema | Warehouse |
Name | StockItems |
Module | Warehouse |
Key | Name | Data type | Null | Attributes | References | Description | ||
1 | StockItemID | int | Default: NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[StockItemID] | Numeric ID used for reference to a stock item within the database | ||||
Numeric ID used for reference to a stock item within the database Default: NEXT VALUE FOR [Sequences].[StockItemID] |
2 | StockItemName | nvarchar(100) | Full name of a stock item (but not a full description) | |||||
Full name of a stock item (but not a full description) |
3 | SupplierID | int | Purchasing.Suppliers | Usual supplier for this stock item | ||||
Usual supplier for this stock item References: Purchasing.Suppliers |
4 | ColorID | int | Warehouse.Colors | Color (optional) for this stock item | ||||
Color (optional) for this stock item References: Warehouse.Colors |
5 | UnitPackageID | int | Warehouse.PackageTypes | Usual package for selling units of this stock item | ||||
Usual package for selling units of this stock item References: Warehouse.PackageTypes |
6 | OuterPackageID | int | Warehouse.PackageTypes | Usual package for selling outers of this stock item (ie cartons, boxes, etc.) | ||||
Usual package for selling outers of this stock item (ie cartons, boxes, etc.) References: Warehouse.PackageTypes |
7 | Brand | nvarchar(50) | Brand for the stock item (if the item is branded) | |||||
Brand for the stock item (if the item is branded) |
8 | Size | nvarchar(20) | Size of this item (eg: 100mm) | |||||
Size of this item (eg: 100mm) |
9 | LeadTimeDays | int | Number of days typically taken from order to receipt of this stock item | |||||
Number of days typically taken from order to receipt of this stock item |
10 | QuantityPerOuter | int | Quantity of the stock item in an outer package | |||||
Quantity of the stock item in an outer package |
11 | IsChillerStock | bit | Does this stock item need to be in a chiller? | |||||
Does this stock item need to be in a chiller? |
12 | Barcode | nvarchar(50) | Barcode for this stock item | |||||
Barcode for this stock item |
13 | TaxRate | decimal(18, 3) | Tax rate to be applied | |||||
Tax rate to be applied |
14 | UnitPrice | decimal(18, 2) | Selling price (ex-tax) for one unit of this product | |||||
Selling price (ex-tax) for one unit of this product |
15 | RecommendedRetailPrice | decimal(18, 2) | Recommended retail price for this stock item | |||||
Recommended retail price for this stock item |
16 | TypicalWeightPerUnit | decimal(18, 3) | Typical weight for one unit of this product (packaged) | |||||
Typical weight for one unit of this product (packaged) |
17 | MarketingComments | nvarchar(MAX) | Marketing comments for this stock item (shared outside the organization) | |||||
Marketing comments for this stock item (shared outside the organization) |
18 | InternalComments | nvarchar(MAX) | Internal comments (not exposed outside organization) | |||||
Internal comments (not exposed outside organization) |
19 | Photo | varbinary(MAX) | Photo of the product | |||||
Photo of the product |
20 | CustomFields | nvarchar(MAX) | Custom fields added by system users | |||||
Custom fields added by system users |
21 | Tags | nvarchar(MAX) | Computed: json_query([CustomFields],N'$.Tags') | Advertising tags associated with this stock item (JSON array retrieved from CustomFields) | ||||
Advertising tags associated with this stock item (JSON array retrieved from CustomFields) Computed: json_query([CustomFields],N'$.Tags') |
22 | SearchDetails | nvarchar(MAX) | Computed: concat([StockItemName],N' ',[MarketingComments]) | Combination of columns used by full text search | ||||
Combination of columns used by full text search Computed: concat([StockItemName],N' ',[MarketingComments]) |
23 | LastEditedBy | int | Application.People | |||||
References: Application.People | ||||||||
24 | ValidFrom | datetime2(7) | Valid from this date and time | |||||
Valid from this date and time |
25 | ValidTo | datetime2(7) | Valid until this date and time | |||||
Valid until this date and time |
Foreign table | Primary table | Join | Title / Name / Description | |
Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.Colors | Warehouse.StockItems.ColorID = Warehouse.Colors.ColorID | FK_Warehouse_StockItems_ColorID_Warehouse_Colors Foreign key constraint referencing Colors.ColorID |
Warehouse.StockItems.ColorID = Warehouse.Colors.ColorID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItems_ColorID_Warehouse_ColorsForeign key constraint referencing Colors.ColorID |
Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.PackageTypes | Warehouse.StockItems.OuterPackageID = Warehouse.PackageTypes.PackageTypeID | FK_Warehouse_StockItems_OuterPackageID_Warehouse_PackageTypes Foreign key constraint referencing PackageTypes.PackageTypeID |
Warehouse.StockItems.OuterPackageID = Warehouse.PackageTypes.PackageTypeID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItems_OuterPackageID_Warehouse_PackageTypesForeign key constraint referencing PackageTypes.PackageTypeID |
Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.PackageTypes | Warehouse.StockItems.UnitPackageID = Warehouse.PackageTypes.PackageTypeID | FK_Warehouse_StockItems_UnitPackageID_Warehouse_PackageTypes Foreign key constraint referencing PackageTypes.PackageTypeID |
Warehouse.StockItems.UnitPackageID = Warehouse.PackageTypes.PackageTypeID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItems_UnitPackageID_Warehouse_PackageTypesForeign key constraint referencing PackageTypes.PackageTypeID |
Warehouse.StockItems | Application.People | Warehouse.StockItems.LastEditedBy = Application.People.PersonID | FK_Warehouse_StockItems_Application_People Foreign key constraint referencing People.PersonID |
Warehouse.StockItems.LastEditedBy = Application.People.PersonID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItems_Application_PeopleForeign key constraint referencing People.PersonID |
Warehouse.StockItems | Purchasing.Suppliers | Warehouse.StockItems.SupplierID = Purchasing.Suppliers.SupplierID | FK_Warehouse_StockItems_SupplierID_Purchasing_Suppliers Foreign key constraint referencing Suppliers.SupplierID |
Warehouse.StockItems.SupplierID = Purchasing.Suppliers.SupplierID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItems_SupplierID_Purchasing_SuppliersForeign key constraint referencing Suppliers.SupplierID |
Sales.InvoiceLines | Warehouse.StockItems | Sales.InvoiceLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Sales_InvoiceLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Sales.InvoiceLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Sales_InvoiceLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Sales.OrderLines | Warehouse.StockItems | Sales.OrderLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Sales_OrderLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Sales.OrderLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Sales_OrderLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderLines | Warehouse.StockItems | Purchasing.PurchaseOrderLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Purchasing_PurchaseOrderLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Purchasing.PurchaseOrderLines.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Purchasing_PurchaseOrderLines_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Sales.SpecialDeals | Warehouse.StockItems | Sales.SpecialDeals.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Sales_SpecialDeals_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Sales.SpecialDeals.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Sales_SpecialDeals_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemHoldings | Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.StockItemHoldings.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | PKFK_Warehouse_StockItemHoldings_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemHoldings.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: PKFK_Warehouse_StockItemHoldings_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemStockGroups | Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.StockItemStockGroups.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Warehouse_StockItemStockGroups_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemStockGroups.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItemStockGroups_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemTransactions | Warehouse.StockItems | Warehouse.StockItemTransactions.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID | FK_Warehouse_StockItemTransactions_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItems Foreign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Warehouse.StockItemTransactions.StockItemID = Warehouse.StockItems.StockItemID Name: FK_Warehouse_StockItemTransactions_StockItemID_Warehouse_StockItemsForeign key constraint referencing StockItems.StockItemID |
Unique keys
Key name | Columns | Description | |
PK_Warehouse_StockItems | StockItemID | Primary key (clustered) constraint. | |
Primary key (clustered) constraint. | |||
UQ_Warehouse_StockItems_StockItemName | StockItemName | Unique nonclustered index. | |
Unique nonclustered index. |
Name |
Used by
Exported: 2019-02-04 23:04, Last imported: 2018-08-10 09:51