Even though being on prem solution, Dataedo software connects in the background to the cloud to perform some tasks. This article specifies those connections.
Dataedo Desktop
Online licenses
During signup, launching and checking for available licenses Dataedo Desktop connects to the following addresses:
- https://account.dataedo.com/sessions* - POST/PUT, port 443
- https://account.dataedo.com/licenses/* - GET, port 443
Blocking access to those addresses will make it impossible to sign up to Desktop online and use functionalities because it will not be possible to check user license. This can be bypassed with offline licenses. Learn more about troubleshooting online licenses in Desktop
Checking for updates
When launched Dataedo Desktop connects to the following address to check if there's an update available:
- https://dataedo.com/updates, port 443
Blocking access to this address will disable checking for new updates in Desktop but will not impact negatively on other functionalities.
Crash reports
When crash occurs, Dataedo Desktop shows user a window with crash details and allows user to send this crash to our server. Crash is sent to the following address:
- https://dataedo.com/crashreports/crashes/report, port 443
Blocking access to this address will disable option to send crash from error dialog. Crash can be still sent with regular email.
Desktop homepage
Dataedo Desktop has a home page that shows product updates and useful links. This content is downloaded from Dataedo website on program launch from this address:
- https://dataedo.com/api/desktop/homepage, POST, port 443
Blocking access to this address will disable downloading recent updates, and homepage will show predefined links. This will not impact negatively on other functionalities.
Usage tracking
Dataedo Desktop logs various user actions in Desktop calling following address multiple times when user is using of the application:
- https://dataedo.com/api/app/tracking, port 443
- https://dataedo.com/log_in_success/, port 443
- https://dataedo.com/run_application/, port 443
Usage is tracked for analytical and support purposes. Blocking access to this address will not impact negatively on functionality of Dataedo Desktop.