Easily find and classify sensitive data in your databases and ensure compliance of your databases with data protection regulations
Most governments around the world increase regulation around protection of personal sensitive data. Recently introduced regulations such as European GDPR or CCPA in California force businesses of all sizes to implement procedures on managing personal data.
Dataedo allows you to make inventory of your data and help find and classify data elements holding sensitive data, so that your organization can be aware where personal data is stored and is able to implement required procedures.
Build comprehensive database documentation so that everyone, including business, can understand it. Decrypt table and column names with business friendly aliases and provide meaning and purpose of data assets with descriptions
Database Documentation →Dataedo finds fields holding potentially sensitive data automatically from entire data catalog using built in functions. You and your team can curate metadata tags manually.
Sensitive Data Discovery and Classification →Grow awareness of data protection in BI, development and everyone working with data. Provide complete documentation with sensitive data tagged appropriately.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
California Consumer
Privacy Act (CCPA)
Personally Identifiable
Information (PII)
Your custom
Self-hosted web portal for self-service data & building data community. Create a place where all people in your organization can go to find, learn about, discuss and contribute their findings about data.
Learn moreEasily export your documentation into lightweight and easily shareable interactive HTML documents. Self-host them on your drive or any web server.
See live sampleAdditionally, you can quickly export your documentation to PDF and Excel files.
See live sample"We jump started all of our Data Governance efforts using the tool. We documented key databases quickly and easily and published the information to our analyst community."
"Dataedo is improving my work a lot. With documentation, the learning curve is smaller and I can have more time to work."
"Thanks to Dataedo I spent more time figuring out the connection string to the instance than I did running the report. It was a great experience."
"Dataedo is an easy to use facility for managing basic metadata centrally and producing enhanced data dictionaries."
"Dataedo helps developers to find descriptions for data very quickly. Seeing documentation progress with every release is really helpful."
Scan your databases and automatically find and tag fields holding personal data