Dataedo Web Catalog

Democratize access to data and build a community

Dataedo Web Catalog is a self-hosted web application designed as a go-to place for everyone working with data to get answers and share their insights

Lightweight & powerful Data Catalog solution

Add meaning to your data with Data Dictionary

Decrypt table and column names with business friendly aliases and provide meaning and purpose of data assets with descriptions, and custom fields. Browse created documentation through a convenient web interface.


Visualize your data models with ER diagrams

Discover and document relationships between data entities and visualize them with automatically built diagrams. Give everyone a better overview of related entities from any point in the catalog.

Build a common language with Business Glossary

Build and popularize universal language of your organization with a glossary of business terms, concepts, and metrics. Map that language to the physical data assets in your catalog and use interactive diagrams to browse.


Easily find & discover data with advanced search

Spend less time on searching for data across your organization's data assets. Effortlessly search your data and business terms with simple & advanced faceted search. Refine your search results to find very specific assets, such as columns, terms, tables, subject areas, views, triggers or functions.

Ensure high data quality and simplify its usage with data profiling

Use sample data to learn what data is stored in your data assets. Understand the data better before using it and make sure that the data is good quality.


Manage permissions

Define roles in your Data Catalog with different sets of permissions. Choose who can access, view, and edit different parts of your catalog.

Crowdsource knowledge with data community

Crowdsource knowledge and get feedback from everyone in organization with community module. Allow everyone to share their observations in one place through comments, ratings, questions, to-dos, and warnings. Identify areas that need improvement and create to-dos so things actually happen.


Document your data through a convenient web interface

Users with Creator permissions can edit titles, descriptions, and custom field values directly from Dataedo Web. There is no need to launch the desktop application to add or change these values.

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Dataedo Architecture

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Assign different level of access


Creators (Data Stewards)

Creators can browse and search the data catalog, edit data asssets descriptions, titles (aliases) and custom fields from Dataedo Web Catalog and Dataedo desktop. They also can contribute to the community with comments, rating, questions, warnings, and to-dos.


Explorers (Data Community)

Explorers can browse and search the data catalog. They can also contribute to the community with comments, rating, questions, warnings, and to-dos.

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Dataedo has been named a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Metadata Management Solutions. Read our reviews here.

Explore Dataedo Web Catalog

Would you like to learn more about Dataedo Web Catalog or see it in action? Book a demo with me and learn how it can bring your metadata management to another level.
Chase Summers
Director of Sales & Customer Success