Illustrate your work with Dataedo Data Cartoons

We love when you use our cartoons! You can use them for free for private, educational, and commercial purposes as long as you give us proper credit.

You can publish them in your website, article, email, presentation, video, book, or any other media.

Use cartoons freely

Use cartoons in your presentation

Take your presentation to the next level. Add our cartoons to your slides to better illustrate your points and make your work stand out.

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Illustrate your article

No more boring articles! With our cartoons you can add unique character to your work and bring a smile your readers.

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Add humor to your documents

Add a personal touch to your documents with with cartoons! Our cartoons illustrate everyday struggles of people working with data and databases, so you can be sure that readers of your documents will find them relatable.

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Share on social media

Engage your audience more on the most popular social media by sharing our cartoons.

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How to use our cartoons properly?
1. Copy cartoon & place it on your website, blog, or in your newsletter
2. Add a link to Dataedo
3. Keep our logo & signature
4. Don’t modify our cartoons

To place any cartoon on your website you can copy a code snippet by clicking on in "Share it section"

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dataedo-socials dataedo-socials dataedo-socials dataedo-socials

Our cartoons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 License .

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