Many real life objects are comprised of list of similar objects. This is found in many documents we create: invoices, orders, todo lists etc. This can be modeled as header-lines pattern where you have a header table that holds attributes of the entire object, in case of an invoice this would be:
- issued date,
- customer or
- number
and lines table that represents specific subitems. In case of an invoice this would be:
- product,
- quantity and
- price
Design pattern
Data model consists of 2 tables linked with one-many relationship (one header, many lines).
Headers table
- Has its id column
- Holds attributes of the document (that appear once per document, in contrast to the ones appearing on each line)
Lines table
- Has its own id column
- Has not null foreign key to headers table
- Holds line specific attributes (the ones that differ from line to line)
Example: Invoices
This is a very common example of header-lines pattern: invoices.
Data model
Data model looks something like this:
Sample data
Data dictionary
Other examples
Header-line design pattern occurs in many databases, especially in business applications (Inventory, MRP, ERP, SCM, etc) that deal with documents. Examples of such documents can be:
- Purchase order - order items (products, services)
- Quote - quote items (products, services)
- Requisitions - requisition lines