Query below return all User Defined Functions and information about it in Azure SQL database.
select schema_name(obj.schema_id) as schema_name,
obj.name as function_name,
case type
when 'FN' then 'SQL scalar function'
when 'TF' then 'SQL inline table-valued function'
when 'IF' then 'SQL table-valued-function'
end as type,
substring(par.parameters, 0, len(par.parameters)) as parameters,
TYPE_NAME(ret.user_type_id) as return_type,
from sys.objects obj
join sys.sql_modules mod
on mod.object_id = obj.object_id
cross apply (select p.name + ' ' + TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id) + ', '
from sys.parameters p
where p.object_id = obj.object_id
and p.parameter_id != 0
for xml path ('') ) par (parameters)
left join sys.parameters ret
on obj.object_id = ret.object_id
and ret.parameter_id = 0
where obj.type in ('FN', 'TF', 'IF')
order by schema_name,
- schema_name - schema name
- function_name - function name
- type - type of UDF:
- SQL scalar function
- SQL inline table-valued function
- SQL table-valued-function
- parameters - name of parameters and their data types
- return_type - for scalar function data type of returning scalar value
- definition - function definition (CREATE FUNCTION statement)
- One row represents one function
- Scope of rows: all user defined functions in database
- Ordered by schema name and function name