Query below returns list of indexes in a database with space they use ordered from the ones using most.
select indschema as index_schema,
indname as index_name,
tabschema || '.' || tabname as table,
index_object_l_size as logical_size,
index_object_p_size as physical_size
from table(sysproc.admin_get_index_info('I','',''))
where indschema not like 'SYS%'
order by physical_size,
- index_schema - schema name
- index_name - index name
- table - table name on which index is defined
- logical_size - logical space used by index. The logical size is the amount of space that the table or data partition knows about.
- physical_size - physical space used by index
- One row represents one index in a database
- Scope of rows: all indexes in a database
- Ordered by index used size from largest to smallest, table schema and table name