List table triggers in PostgreSQL database

Query below lists table triggers in a database with their details.


select event_object_schema as table_schema,
       event_object_table as table_name,
       string_agg(event_manipulation, ',') as event,
       action_timing as activation,
       action_condition as condition,
       action_statement as definition
from information_schema.triggers
group by 1,2,3,4,6,7,8
order by table_schema,


  • table_schema - name of the table schema
  • table_name - name of the trigger table
  • trigger_schema - name of the trigger schema
  • trigger_name - name of the trigger
  • event - specific SQL operation: Insert, Update or Delete
  • activation - trigger activation time: After, Instead of or BEFORE
  • condition - trigger activation condition
  • definition - definition of trigger - in postgreSQL it is always EXECUTE PROCEDURE function_name()


  • One row represents one trigger
  • Scope of rows: all triggers in a database
  • Ordered by schema name, table name

Sample results