Find where specific function is used in SQL Server database

Query below list objects where specific function is used.


select schema_name(o.schema_id) + '.' + as [function],
       'is used by' as ref,
       schema_name(ref_o.schema_id) + '.' + as [object],
       ref_o.type_desc as object_type
from sys.objects o
join sys.sql_expression_dependencies dep
     on o.object_id = dep.referenced_id
join sys.objects ref_o
     on dep.referencing_id = ref_o.object_id
where o.type in ('FN', 'TF', 'IF')
      and schema_name(o.schema_id) = 'dbo'  -- put schema name here
      and = 'ufnLeadingZeros'  -- put function name here
order by [object];


  • function - provided function schema name and name
  • ref - string 'is used by'
  • object - name of object with schema name which use specific function
  • object_type - type of found object


  • One row represents one object
  • Scope of rows: all objects that are using provided function
  • Ordered by found object schema name and name

Sample Results

List of objects that are using dbo.ufnLeadingZeros function in AdventureWorks2017 database.

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