Query below returns list of logins in current SQL Server instance with admin privileges.
select mp.name as login,
case when mp.is_disabled = 1 then 'Disabled'
else 'Enabled'
end as status,
mp.type_desc as type
from sys.server_role_members srp
join sys.server_principals mp
on mp.principal_id = srp.member_principal_id
join sys.server_principals rp
on rp.principal_id = srp.role_principal_id
where rp.name = 'sysadmin'
order by mp.name;
- login - login
- status - status of the login
- Enabled
- Disabled
- type - principal type
- One row represents one user (sysadmin) in the database
- Scope of rows: all admins in the database
- Ordered by login