Query below compare default values of columns with the same name in diffrent tables in Teradata database
select col1.table_schema || '.' || col1.table_name as table_1,
col1.column_default as column_default_1,
col2.column_default as column_default_2,
col2.table_schema || '.' || col2.table_name as table_2
from v_catalog.columns col1
join v_catalog.columns col2
on col1.column_name = col2.column_name
and col1.table_id <> col2.table_id
where (col1.column_default is null and col2.column_default is not null
or col1.column_default is not null and col2.column_default is null)
or col1.column_default <> col2.column_default
and col1.table_id > col2.table_id
order by table_1,
- table_1 - name of the table with database name
- column_default_1 - default value of column from table_1
- column_name - name of compared columns in both tables
- column_default_2 - defaul value of comparing column from table_2
- table_2 - name of the comparing table with database name
- One row represents two tables with the same column with diffent default value
- Scope of rows: all pair of tables with diffrent default value of same named columns
- Ordered by schema name, table name and column name