How many tables don't have primary keys (with percentage) in Vertica database

This query listed tables without primary keys and this one shows how many of them there are and what is the percentage of total tables.


with tables AS (
    select distinct tab.table_schema,
           case when pk.constraint_id is null
                then 1
                else 0 end as no_pk
    from v_catalog.tables tab
    left join v_catalog.primary_keys pk
              on tab.table_schema = pk.table_schema
              and tab.table_name = pk.table_name
    order by tab.table_schema,
select count(*) as tables,
       sum(no_pk) as no_pk_tables,
       100.00*sum(no_pk)/count(*) as no_pk_percent
from tables;


  • tables - number of all tables in a database
  • no_pk_tables - number of tables without a primary key
  • no_pk_percent - percentage of tables without primary key in all tables


Query returns just one row.

Sample results