In this article I will describe how to export table columns to Excel.
Open Explorer from menu (Fig.1) or by Tools -> Explorer.
Fig. 1. Explorer in menu
In the explorer:
- for treelist navigation expand Schemas -> [your schema name] -> Tables and select table (Fig.2 [1])
- for tabbed navigation select Tables tab and select table
In object details window switch to Columns tab (Fig.2 [2]).
Fig. 2. [1] Selected table, [2] Columns tab in object details,
[3] Hiding column in object details, [4] Export to File
Now there are two ways to export list of column, but before export you might to hide useless information about columns. You can do it by right click on column header (e.g Scope) and select Hide This Column (Fig.2 [3]). If you want bring back this column select Column Chooser and drag column name back to headers.
First way of export is just copying selected rows. You can select any cells and copy it by CTRL+C combination. Toad will detect that you want to copy something from program and asks in what format copied text should be (Fig. 3). After selecting format and clicking OK, paste it in Excel (CTRL + V combination).
Fig. 3. Toad copy format options
Second method of export is to use provided tool. You can export all columns by selecting only one cell (or all cells), if you have selected more than one cell, only these cells will be exported. Click on Export Data to Excel File (Fig. 2 [4]). You can also export to HTML or CSV files by expand button next to Export Data to Excel File. When export finish confirmation message will show-up with path to exported file (Fig.4).
Fig.4. Confirmation message