Find database size allocated for LOB data in Db2 database

Query below can help you find how much space is allocated for LOB data.


select dec(sum(data_object_p_size
            + long_object_p_size
            + xml_object_p_size)/1024.0,20,2) as physical_regular_data,
        dec(sum(lob_object_p_size)/1024, 20,2) as physical_lob_data,
            + long_object_l_size
            + xml_object_l_size)/1024.0,20,2) as logical_regular_data,
        dec(sum(lob_object_l_size/1024), 20,2) as logical_lob_data
from sysibmadm.admintabinfo
where tabschema not like 'SYS%'


  • physical_regular_data - amount of disk space that is physically allocated for the regular data
  • physical_lob_data - amount of disk space that is physically allocated for the LOB data
  • logical_regular_data - amount of disk space logically allocated for the regular data
  • logical_lob_data - amount of disk space logically allocated for the LOB data


  • Query returns just one row

Sample results

Space allocation for LOB and other data types: