Query below return all objects used by functions in Db2 database.
select r.routineschema as schema_name,
r.routinename as function_name,
bschema as ref_object_schema,
bname as ref_object_name,
case btype
when 'A' then 'Table alias'
when 'B' then 'Trigger'
when 'F' then 'Routine'
when 'G' then 'Global temporary table'
when 'H' then 'Hierarchy table'
when 'K' then 'Package'
when 'L' then 'Detached table'
when 'N' then 'Nickname'
when 'O' then 'Privilege dependency'
when 'Q' then 'Sequence'
when 'R' then 'User-defined data type'
when 'S' then 'Materialized query table'
when 'T' then 'Table'
when 'U' then 'Typed table'
when 'V' then 'View'
when 'W' then 'Typed View'
when 'X' then 'Index extension'
when 'Z' then 'XSR object'
when 'q' then 'Sequence alias'
when 'u' then 'Module alias'
when 'v' then 'Global variable'
when '*' then 'Anchored to the row of a base table'
end as ref_object_type
from syscat.routinedep rd
join syscat.routines r
on rd.routineschema = r.routineschema
and rd.specificname = r.specificname
where r.routinetype = 'F'
and r.routineschema not like 'SYS%'
--and r.routineschema = 'schema_name' -- put schema name here
--and r.routinename = 'function_name' -- put function name here
order by schema_name,
- schema_name - schema name
- function_name - provided function name
- ref_object_schema - schema name of the referenced object
- ref_object_name - name of the referenced object
- ref_object_type - type of referenced object
- One row represents one referenced object by provided function
- Scope of rows: all objects that are used by function in database
- Ordered by schema name and name of referenced object