This query listed tables that have no foreign keys, meaning they are not referencing any table or are not on the "many" side of FK.
Query below lists something a little different - tables that are not referencing and are not referenced by other tables. Something we called Loner Tables. This diagram illustrates the concept:
select table_count,
cast(100 * loner_tables / table_count as decimal (14,2)) concat '%'
as loner_ratio
count(distinct tab.tabschema concat '.' concat tab.tabname)
as table_count,
case when const.constname is null and ref.constname is null then 1
else 0 end) as loner_tables
syscat.tables tab
left outer join syscat.tabconst const
on const.tabschema = tab.tabschema
and const.tabname = tab.tabname and const.type ='F'
left outer join syscat.references ref
on ref.reftabschema = tab.tabschema
and ref.reftabname = tab.tabname
tab.type ='T'
and tab.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
) loner_ratio
- table_count - number of tables in database
- loner_tables - number of Loner Tables in the database
- loner_ratio - Loner Ratio - % of Loner Tables in the database
- Scope of rows: query returns one row
Sample results
Loner Ratio in GSDB database is 9% - i.e. 9% of tables are not related with FKs to any other table.