Query below return number of tables which are not referencing and are not referenced by other tables (Loner Tables).
with loners as (
select distinct tab.table_schema || '.' || tab.table_name as table,
case when (fks.constraint_id is null and ref.constraint_id is null)
then 1
else 0 end as is_loner
from v_catalog.tables tab
left join v_catalog.foreign_keys fks
on tab.table_schema = fks.table_schema
and tab.table_name = fks.table_name
left join v_catalog.foreign_keys ref
on tab.table_schema = ref.reference_table_schema
and tab.table_name = ref.reference_table_name
select count(*) as tables,
sum(is_loner) as loner_tables,
100*round(sum(is_loner)/count(*),2) as loner_ratio
from loners;
- tables - number of all tables in database
- loner_tables - number of not related tables in the database
- loner_ratio - Loner Ratio - % of Loner Tables in the database
- Scope of rows: query returns one row