Query below returns foreign keys defined in a database.
SELECT ChildDB || '.' || ChildTable as ForeignTable,
'>-' as Rel,
ParentDB || '.' || ParentTable as PrimaryTable,
FROM XMLAGG(ChildKeyColumn)(varchar(1000)))
AS ForeignColumns
FROM DBC.All_RI_ChildrenV
WHERE ChildDB NOT IN ('All', 'Crashdumps', 'DBC', 'dbcmngr',
'Default', 'External_AP', 'EXTUSER', 'LockLogShredder', 'PUBLIC',
'Sys_Calendar', 'SysAdmin', 'SYSBAR', 'SYSJDBC', 'SYSLIB',
'SystemFe', 'SYSUDTLIB', 'SYSUIF', 'TD_SERVER_DB', 'TDStats',
GROUP BY ForeignTable,
ORDER BY ForeignTable,
- ForeignTable - foreign table database and name
- Rel - relationship symbol implicating direction
- PrimaryTable - primary (rerefenced) table database and name
- ForeignColumns - list of FK colum names, separated with ","
- One row represents one foreign key. If foreign key consists of multiple columns (composite key) it is still represented as one row.
- Scope of rows: all foregin keys in a database
- Ordered by foreign database name and table name
Sample results
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