Dataedo Desktop UI

Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 10.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

UI elements

User Interface consists of two distinct executables:

  1. Dataedo Editor - main user interface to work with documentation.
  2. Dataedo Administration Console - separate UI to manage repository users and license keys.

Dataedo Desktop

Dataedo Desktop user interface consists of three main elements:

  1. Ribbon that provides options for current view and selected element
  2. Repository explorer that enables navigation of repository
  3. Forms/lists pane that displays details of element selected in repository explorer

Image title


Ribbon displays options according to the current view and selected element. Options include:

Repository section

  • Open/New - Opens Connect window that enables you to connect to another repository
  • Refresh view - Refreshes repository explorer view
  • Custom fields - Add, edit or remove custom fields in your repository

Actions section - Depends on currently selected object

  • Save - Saves current object
  • Remove - Removes current object from repository
  • Add module - Adds new module
  • Move module up/down - Moves the current module one position up or down
  • Remove from module - Removes object from module
  • Add relation - Adds new user-defined relation
  • Add key - Adds new user-defined primary or unique key

Documentation - Options to manage your documentations in current repository

  • Add documentation - Opens wizard that adds new documentation to the repository
  • Update documentation - Opens wizard that connects to database and updates schema in current documentation
  • Export documentation - Exports current documentation to PDF, HTML or Excel
  • Search - Open search repository tab
  • Show progress - Shows progress bars of documentation of database objects in the repository explorer

ERD - Applies to ERD editor

  • Remove from diagram - Removes selected table from diagram


  • Buy Pro - Opens Dataedo shop webpage
  • Upgrade/Trial - Form for requesting a trial key or entering trial/pro key.
  • About - Information about Dataedo version and license and option to change license key
  • Support - Opens a window with links to documentation, forums and direct contact to Dataedo team

Repository explorer

Repository explorer

Documentation form

Documentation form enables you to change a title and write an introduction to your documentation.

Documentation form

List of modules

List displays modules added in a documentation.

List of modules

Module form

Module form enables you to describe module and create module Entity Relationship Diagram.

Description tab

Description tab enables you to change module title and provide description for a module (chapter in documentation).

Module description tab

ERD tab

Enables you to draw Entity Relationship Diagram for a module.

ERD tab

Table form

Table form enables you to document table.

Description tab

Description tab enables you to provide description of a table, assign a title and assign table to a module(s).

Table description tab

Columns tab

Tab provides a view of table columns and ability to describe each.

Columns tab

Relations tab

List of table relations/foreign keys. It enables describing each relation and creating user-defined relations.

Relations tab

Unique keys tab

List of table unique and primary keys. It enables describing each key and creating user-defined relations.

Unique keys tab

Triggers tab

List of table triggers and their scripts. It enables providing a description for each trigger.

Triggers tab

Metadata tab

Metadata tab displays table repository metadata:

  • DBMS last updated - date and time table was last updated in documented database.
  • Last imported - date and time table was last imported to the repository.
  • Last updated - date and time table was last updated in the repository (this includes imports/updates and updates of descriptions).

Metadata tab

View form

Similar to Table form.

Procedure form

Procedure form enables you to document stored procedure.

Description tab

Description tab enables you to provide the description of a procedure, assign a title and assign the procedure to a module(s).

Procedure description tab

Input/Output tab

It allows describing the procedure parameters.

Procedure Input/Output tab

Script tab

Enables preview of stored procedure script imported from a database.

Procedure Script tab

Function form

Function form enables you to document function.

Description tab

Description tab enables you to provide the description of a function, assign a title and assign the function to a module(s).

Function description tab

Input/Output tab

It allows to describe the function parameters and returned value.

Function Input/Output tab

Script tab

Enables preview of function script imported from database.

Function script tab

List of tables/views/procedures/functions

Lists all tables/views/procedures/functions in a documentation or a module. You are able to provide/edit a title for each object and assign an object to the module(s). Changes are saved right after closing editor.

List of tables