Find all date and time columns in Db2 database

Date and time in IBM Db2 are represented by following data types: DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP

The query below lists all columns with date/time data types.


select c.tabschema as schema_name,
       c.tabname as table_name,
       c.colno as column_id,
       c.colname as column_name,
       c.typename as data_type,
       c.scale as timestamp_scale
from syscat.columns c
join syscat.tables t on c.tabschema = t.tabschema
                     and c.tabname = t.tabname
                     and t.type = 'T'
where c.typename in ('DATE', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP')
      and c.tabschema not like 'SYS%'
order by schema_name,


  • schema_name - name of the schema
  • table_name - name of the table
  • column_id - column position in table
  • column_name - name of the column
  • data_type - type of data
  • lentimestamp_scalegth - number of digits of fractional seconds for TIMESTAMP datatype


  • One row represents one column with a date/time data type
  • Scope of rows: all columns containing date/time data types in the schema
  • Ordered by table schema name and table name and column position in table

Sample results