This query listed tables that do not have foreign keys, which means that they are not referencing any table or that they are not on the "many" side of FK.
The query below lists something a little different - tables that are not referencing and are not referenced by other tables. Something that can be called as Loner Tables. This diagram illustrates the concept:
select 'No FKs >-' as refs,
concat(tab.table_schema, '.', tab.table_name) as 'table',
'>- no FKs' as fks
from information_schema.tables tab
left join information_schema.referential_constraints ref
on tab.table_schema = ref.constraint_schema
and tab.table_name = ref.table_name
left join information_schema.referential_constraints ref_by
on tab.table_schema = ref_by.unique_constraint_schema
and tab.table_name = ref_by.referenced_table_name
where ref.constraint_name is null
and ref_by.constraint_name is null
and tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
and tab.table_schema not in ('mysql', 'information_schema',
'performance_schema', 'sys')
-- and tab.table_schema = 'your database name'
order by tab.table_schema,
- refs - icon that symbolizes the lack of references by foreign key constraints
- table - name of the table
- fks - icon that symbolizes the lack of foreign key constraints
- One row: represents one table
- Scope of rows: tables that are not related (not referencing and not being referenced with foreign key constraints) with any table
- Ordered by: table name
Sample results
List of Loner Tables in the Factories database (schema):