This query returns columns defined as foreign keys with corresponding them primary columns.
SELECT ChildDB || '.' || ChildTable AS ForeignTable,
'>-' AS Rel,
ParentDB || '.' || ParentTable AS PrimaryTable,
ChildKeyColumn AS ForeignColumn,
' = ' AS "Join",
ParentKeyColumn AS PrimaryColumn
FROM DBC.All_RI_ChildrenV
WHERE ChildDB NOT IN ('All', 'Crashdumps', 'DBC', 'dbcmngr',
'Default', 'External_AP', 'EXTUSER', 'LockLogShredder', 'PUBLIC',
'Sys_Calendar', 'SysAdmin', 'SYSBAR', 'SYSJDBC', 'SYSLIB',
'SystemFe', 'SYSUDTLIB', 'SYSUIF', 'TD_SERVER_DB', 'TDStats',
ORDER BY ForeignTable,
- ForeignTable - referencing table database followed by name
- Rel - relationship symbol implicating direction
- PrimaryTable - referenced table database followed name
- ForeignColumn - referencing column name
- join - "=" symbol indicating join operation for pair of columns
- PrimaryColumn - referenced column name
- One row represents one column used in foreign key. Even if foreign key is composite key, each column appears separately.
- Scope of rows: all columns defined as foreign key
- Ordered by database name and name of foreign table, database name and name of referenced table