Keyword Explorer

Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current)
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Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Keyword Explorer allows you to explore the repository by searching for keywords in your databases.

Keyword overview

Explore your repository fast

  • Search for names and their combinations in your repository
  • Find the assets connected with any keyword
  • Navigate through similar keywords throughout the repository
  • Browse the keyword cloud with the most popular keywords

Keyword cloud


To start using Keyword Explorer, ask your admin to run it for the first time.

Disabled Keyword Explorer

Admin has also to reload the keywords periodically and/or after each major update of the repository.

Find all details in Keyword Explorer Configuration.

Getting started

  1. Click the More Options icon in the left bar
  2. Choose Keywords option

Open Keyword Explorer with icon


Click the link Explore keywords on the home page (just below the Search field and button)

Click Explore keywords

Keyword Explorer home page

The Keyword Explorer home page contains two important parts:

  • Keyword search engine with two fields
    • Search for keywords – allows to search for a specific keyword, and opens the keyword overview page
    • Select a data source – allows to choose a specific database or reporting to narrow the pool of displayed keywords

Search fields

  • Keyword cloud sorted by keyword popularity. If you click on any keyword, the keyword overview page will open.

Keyword cloud

Keyword page

Each keyword has its page displaying objects related to such keyword. If any section contains more objects, [Show more] buttons allow to display such additional objects. The objects are sorted according to their popularity in the repository. The keyword page contains four main sections:

  • Top search engine [1]
  • List of terms [2]
  • List of data assets [3]
  • List of similar keywords [4]

Top of the keyword page

Top search engine

On top of the page you can search for other keyword or select a specific data source.


The list of terms with a name equal to the keyword. Each term is displayed with description and glossary name.

Data Assets

The lists of different assets in your repository:

  • with names equal to the keyword
  • linked with a term equal to the keyword
  • tagged with a tag equal to the keyword

You can click any object in this section to display the side panel with additional information and to go to the specific object overview.

The section is divided into four parts:

  • columns
  • tables
  • reports
  • report fields

Similar Keywords

The lists of other keywords. You can click each keyword to go to its overview. This way you can easily navigate through keywords and objects in your repository:

  • Similar keywords - keywords with names similar to (or including) the actual keyword
  • Shorter keywords - parts of the actual keyword’s name which also are keywords (this part is displayed in case of multi-word keywords)
  • Occurs with - keywords which most often occur in the repository in the same parent object as the actual keyword

Detailed information

What is a keyword

Keywords are the texts occurring in names and/or titles of:

  • glossary terms
  • tables and their columns
  • reports and their fields
  • tags (special type of custom fields)

A keyword may contain a single word (such as date) or many words (such as last modification date).

Keywords are saved in your repository, so it is important to reload the Keyword Explorer after major changes in the data catalog (see Keyword Explorer Configuration).

What permissions are needed to use Keyword Explorer

  • Any Viewer can use the Keyword Explorer
  • Only Admin can load/reload/clear the Keyword Explorer

Learn more

Check out the Keyword Explorer video tutorial.