Query below returns tables that are refrencing provided table with foregin keys.
select fk_tco.table_schema as foreign_schema,
fk_tco.table_name as foreign_table,
'>-' as rel,
pk_tco.table_schema as referenced_schema,
pk_tco.table_name as referenced_table
from information_schema.referential_constraints rco
join information_schema.table_constraints fk_tco
on fk_tco.constraint_name = rco.constraint_name
and fk_tco.constraint_schema = rco.constraint_schema
join information_schema.table_constraints pk_tco
on pk_tco.constraint_name = rco.unique_constraint_name
and pk_tco.constraint_schema = rco.unique_constraint_schema
where pk_tco.table_name = 'TABLE_NAME' -- enter table name here
-- and fk_tco.table_schema = 'schema name'
order by fk_tco.table_schema,
- foreign_schema- foreign schema name
- foreign_table - foreign table name
- rel - relationship symbol implicating direction
- referenced_schema - rerefenced schema name
- referenced_table - rerefenced table name
- One row represents one table which refers to provided table
- Scope of rows: all tables referencing specific table
- Ordered by foreign table schema and name
Sample results
Referencing tables to ADDRESS table in Snowflake.