Changing the Dataedo Portal URL

Piotr Tokarski - Dataedo Team Piotr Tokarski 12th July, 2023
Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current)
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

During the Dataedo Portal installation, you can choose the binding or URL the app will use. This guide will explain how to change this binding later.

Changing the IIS binding

First, open the IIS Manager and navigate to the Dataedo Portal site:

IIS Manager

Right-click the site name, and choose Edit bindings:

Edit bindings

In the new window, select Add:

Add binding

Specify the new URL that Dataedo Portal should use in the Host name field, then click Save:

New binding

For https bindings, ensure the selected SSL certificate is current and covers the new host name.

Back in the Site Bindings window, choose the old binding and click Remove:

Removing old binding

Changing the API URL

If the initial installation of the Dataedo Portal was older than 23.1, you may also need to change the API URL used by the app.

To do this, find the UI subfolder in the Dataedo Portal installation folder - the default path is *C:\Dataedo Web\Applications\UI*

You can also open this folder by clicking Explore in the IIS Manager.

Explore application folder

Find the index.html file, and open it with a text editor. Find the apiUrl node (line 9 in the example below):

Edit index.html file

Make sure the value is either "/api/" or "<your.IIS.binding>/api/" (e.g., "").

If you changed the value, save the change, then Stop and Start the app in the IIS Manager. Don't use the Restart option, as it sometimes does not pick up the change correctly:

Stop and start the app

Wait for a minute for it to finish starting up, and you should now be able to connect to it using the new binding.