Adding and manipulating tasks

Michał Psyk - Dataedo Team Michał Psyk 12th June, 2024

Adding new tasks

You can add new tasks using a dedicated form called Add scheduler tasks. It allows you to add many tasks for many data sources (each task will be executed sequentially, one after another). It has a form of a wizard, with each step guiding you through the adding process.

Add scheduler tasks window

Opening the add form

You can view the dedicated for adding tasks form by:

  • right-clicking on the upper Dashboard and selecting the Add tasks option from the context menu (1)
  • right-clicking on the executions grid and selecting the Add tasks option from the context menu (2)
  • clicking on the Add tasks ribbon button (3)

Open Add tasks window

Selecting task types and data sources

On the first screen, you need to select data sources and a type of tasks you want to add for them. You can do it by clicking on the proper checkboxes in the task types columns (1) for the desired data sources rows. Accept your choice by clicking the Next button (2).

Select task and data source

You can check/uncheck task types for many data sources by selecting their rows and using the Select/Unselect option form the context menu.

Configuring data sources connections

The second screen allows you to configure connection details for all selected data sources. The details will be saved in your repository as an encrypted parameter of the task and will by used by the Agents to connect to the data source while processing the task's executions.

Configure connection

Initial automatic configuration

After navigating to this screen, Dataedo will try to automatically load the saved connection details from your repository for each selected data source (these are the connections details that are stored in your public and personal profiles and used in the Import changes feature of Dataedo Desktop).

Connections loader

If you have a personal import profile saved in your repository, the connection details will be taken from it. Otherwise the public import profile will be used.

Connection configuration column

The Connection column indicates the state of connection configuration of the given data source.

If the saved connection details are loaded correctly during the initial automatic configuration, the Connection column will display the Configured value (1). Otherwise the Configure hyperlink will be shown (2) and you will have to manually fill the connection details.

Configured connections

You might encounter a warning icon (1) next to the text value in the Connection column. It is displayed if the configured connection is using Windows Authentication. After hovering the mouse cursor over it, you will see a tooltip with the reminder about verifying the Agent service account access to the data source (2).

Connection warning

The green circle with white check icon in the Connection column indicates that the connection has been configured. It doesn't mean that the connection is configured correctly and that the Agent will be able to connect to the data source with it. To make sure that the connection is correct, you should test it.

Connection details columns

The Host, User and Password saved columns show data from the configured connection. Initially, they display data from the loaded saved connection details. If you modify them, they will update accordingly to the changes.

Import options columns

The Reimport, Lineage and Parsing columns indicate the import options. They will display the N/A value if you haven't selected the Import changes task type for the given data source in the previous screen. You can change the import options by modyfing the connection details.

Modyfing the connection details

If you want to fill or modify the connection details for a data source, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the pencil button in the Connection column (1) or the hyperlinked Configure text (2) in the desired data source row.
  2. In the newly opened window, fill or modify the connection details (3).
  3. You can change the import options by clicking on the checkboxes in the Import options section (4).
  4. You can test the provided connection by clicking on the Test button (5) and selecting one of the possible options:
    • On Agent - the connection will be tested directly on the Agent machine. This option is recommended as it guarantees that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions. Keep in mind that this option will work only if you have a configured and active Agent that is currently not busy (not processing any executions).
    • Locally - the connection will be tested on your machine. This option does not guarantee that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions (e.g. for security reasons connection might be blocked from the Agent machine).
  5. Click on the Save button of the Configure connection window (6).

Configure connection window

Testing the connection details

It is highly recommended for you to test all the configured connection for all the selected data sources.

You can test the configured connection data source by clicking the down arrow (1) in the Test connection column of the desired data source row and selecting one of the possible options:

  • On Agent - the connection will be tested directly on the Agent machine. This option is recommended as it guarantees that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions. Keep in mind that this option will work only if you have a configured and active Agent that is currently not busy (not processing any executions).
  • Locally - the connection will be tested on your machine. This option does not guarantee that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions (e.g. for security reasons connection might be blocked from the Agent machine).

The test result will be displayed in the Test connection column (2). Test connection column

You can test the configured connections for many data sources at once. To do this, select the respective rows and use the Test connection option form the context menu.

Accepting the configurations

After you have configured and tested all the connections, click on the Next button to proceed.

Automatic validation

The third screen is an automatic validation of all the selected tasks.

Task validated successfully is indicated by the Validation succeeded value in the task type column (1).

Task validated unsuccessfully is indicated by the Validation failed value in the task type column (2). You can see the failure details by hovering the mouse cursor over the failed icon (3).

Currently only one task with a specified type per data source is allowed. It means that you cannot add two Import changes tasks for a single data source.

Task already added for the given data source is indicated by the Already exists value in the task type column (4).


Only successfully validated tasks are saved, and the rest are ommited.

After reviewing the validation results, click on the Next button to proceed.

Selecting the schedule

In the fourth screen you should choose when and how frequently the tasks will be performed.

Select schedule

Select a proper repeatability option from the left list:

  • One time - the option creates the execution to be performed only once Adding execution

  • Daily (1) - the tasks will be repeated at the specified time (2) every given amount of days (3) Daily schedule

  • Weekly (1) - the tasks will be repeated at the specified time (2) on declared days of the week (3)Weekly schedule

  • Monthly (1) - the tasks will be repeated at the specified time (2) on the last day of every month (3) or on declared days of the month (4) Monthly schedule

After deciding on the tasks schedule, click on the Next button to start the saving process.

Saving the tasks

The last screen will show you the summary of saving tasks process.

Save tasks

To close the adding new tasks form, click on the Finish button.

Editing existing tasks

You can edit existing tasks to modify their schedule, connection parameters or additional options. You cannot change the task type and its data source.

To edit existing task, open the Tasks tab and:

  1. Select its row in the tasks grid.
  2. Invoke action, which you can do in two ways:
    • using the Edit task ribbon button (1)
    • right-clicking on the row and using the Edit task option from the context menu (2)

Edit task options

You will see a new window, called Edit Scheduler Task, where you can make the modficiations:

Edit Scheduler Task form

Changing task schedule

You can change the schedule of the task by following these steps:

  1. Select a proper repeatability option from the left list:
    • Daily (1) - the task will be repeated at the specified time (2) every given amount of days (3) Daily schedule
    • Weekly (1) - the task will be repeated at the specified time (2) on declared days of the week (3) Weekly schedule
    • Monthly (1) - the task will be repeated at the specified time (2) on the last day of every month (3) or on declared days of the month (4) Monthly schedule
  2. Click on the Save button.

Changing task connection

You can change the connection details of the task by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Reconfigure button.
  2. In the newly opened window, fill the connection details.
  3. Test the provided connection by clicking on the Test button and selecting one of the possible options:

    • On Agent - the connection will be tested directly on the Agent machine. This option is recommended as it guarantees that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions. Keep in mind that this option will work only if you have a configured and active Agent that is currently not busy (not processing any executions).
    • Locally - the connection will be tested on your machine. This option does not guarantee that the Agent will be able to connect to your data source while processing executions (e.g. for security reasons connection might be blocked from the Agent machine).
  4. Click on the Save button of the Configure connection window.
  5. Click on the Save button of the Edit Scheduler Task window.

Changing task connection

Changing task options

You can change the options of the Import changes task by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Reconfigure button.
  2. In the newly opened window, change the options by clicking on the checkboxes in the Import options section.
  3. Click the Save button of the Configure connection window.
  4. Click the Save button of the Edit Scheduler Task window.

Changing task options

Triggering tasks manually

You can manually trigger tasks to create executions from them instantly, outside of their declared schedule. To do this:

  1. Select their rows in the grid.
  2. Invoke action, which you can do in two ways:
    • using the Trigger now ribbon button (1)
    • right-clicking on any selected row and using the Trigger now option from the context menu (2) Keep in mind that the new executions' parameters (e.g. connection details) will be taken from the source tasks, same as they would be if created automatically by Agents.

Trigger now options

Deleting tasks

You can delete tasks by:

  1. Selecting their rows in the grid.
  2. Invoking action, which you can do in two ways:
    • using the Delete task ribbon button (1)
    • right-clicking on any selected row and using the Remove task option from the context menu (2)

Delete task options

Deleting task will not delete its executions. If you want to delete them, you need to do it manually.