Scheduler Dashboard

Michał Psyk - Dataedo Team Michał Psyk 12th June, 2024

Scheduler main view is called Scheduler Dashboard. As for 24.2 version, it can be shown only in Dataedo Desktop. You can open it by clicking the Scheduler (beta) ribbon button in the Main section of the Dataedo Desktop ribbon: Image title

The Scheduler Dashboard consists of a ribbon (1) and a tabbed view (2) with the following tabs:

  • Tasks
  • Executions
  • Agents

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Tasks and executions

Task is a declaration of periodically repeated operation. By adding tasks you can create a timetable for the Scheduler feature, so that Agents know what, when and how to do.

To add tasks, follow the Adding tasks instructions.

Tasks are characterized by:

  • type (e.g. Import changes)
  • connection parameters (e.g. login and password)
  • additional options (e.g. for the Import changes type forcing reimporting of all objects, performing SQL parsing and automatic lineage)
  • scheduling details (e.g. every day at 8 pm CEST)

As for the 24.2 version, you can create the following tasks types:

Execution is a specific implementation of a task at particular time and day. It is created automatically by the Agents from tasks in accordance to their schedule. It is characterized by its state:

  • Executions are created with the Scheduled state.
  • When the time comes for their processing, they are placed in the queue (the Enqueued state).
  • Then they are waiting to be picked up by the Agents for processing (the Processing state).
  • If the execution is processed successfully, its state is set to Succeeded.
  • If there is an error during processing of the execution, it is re-queued automatically. After 10 retries, its status is set to Failed.

Tasks tab

Tasks tab contains a summary of all your scheduled tasks divided into three main elements:

  • Dashboard (1) - an overall view of all your data sources with basic information about saved connection (host and user), summary of scheduled tasks in a form of check columns and a hyperlink for quick opening of given data source executions
  • Tasks grid (2) - detailed grid view of tasks, with possibility to display tasks only for the data source selected in the Dashboard above
  • Task details (3) - additional information about the task, displayed after double-clicking a row in the Tasks grid, containing details about task's configured connection and import options (if applicable)

To add tasks, follow the Adding tasks instructions.

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Executions tab

Executions tab presents all executions created in your repository. The executions tab contains three main elements:

  • Filters (1) - a handful set of filters for limmiting displayed executions in the Executions grid
  • Executions grid (2) - detailed grid view of executions, displaying data in accordance to the applied filters
  • Execution details (3) - additional information about the selected execution, displayed after double-clicking a row in the Executions grid or right-clicking and using the Show execution details option from the context menu, containing details about execution's history, configured connection and, for the Import changes type, import options

Executions view UI elements

In case of Failed executions, you can find more details in the log files. To check the logs path:

  1. Double-click the failed execution row in the Executions grid (1) to open its details in the Execution details.
  2. In the History tab of the Execution details click on the square expand button with the minus sign in the State column next to the Failed state (2).
  3. The log path can be obtained from the ExceptionMessage row from the Value column (3).

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Deleting executions

You can delete executions by:

  1. Selecting their rows in the grid.
  2. Invoking action, which you can do in two ways:
    • using the Delete execution ribbon button (1)
    • right-clicking on any selected row and using the Delete executions option from the context menu (2) Image title
If you delete an execution that is currently being processed (it has the Processing state), the Agent won't stop processing it. If you want to force processing of the execution to stop, you have to manually restart the Agent.

Duplicating execution

You can manually create a new execution from existing one. To do so:

  1. Select a row in the grid.
  2. Invoke action, which you can do in two ways:
    • clicking on the Create new execution ribbon button (1)
    • right-clicking on the row and using the New execution from this option from the context menu (2)

The new execution will be added as a one time execution meaning it won't have a task id filled (3) and its trigger reason will be Manually (4). Keep in mind that the new execution's parameters (e.g. connection details) will be taken from the source execution, not the source execution's task. Image title

Agents tab

In the Agents tab you can see details about configured Dataedo Agents. The tab contains a grid with information about configured Agents, including:

  • name of the machine running the Agent service
  • version of Dataedo Desktop used by the Agent (the Dataedo version column)
  • the Agent service starting timestamp (the Started column)
  • the Agent last activity timestamp (the Last Active column)
  • the Agent status, which is determined by the last activity timestamp:
    • if the Agent has reported activity within the last minute, its status is Active
    • if the Agent hasn't reported activity within the last minute, its status is Inconclusive
    • if the Agent hasn't reported activity within the last five minutes, its status is PossiblyAborted. If it doesn't report activity in the near future, it will be removed automatically after timeout is exceeded, no manual action is required. Incomplete tasks running on this Agent will be re-queued automatically.

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No active Agents warning

If there are no Agents configured, you will see a warning message under the ribbon (1) and a yellow warning square around Agents counter in the tab caption (2). To fix it, you should install Dataedo Agent.

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