Web Catalog Installation

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Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

This is the main guide on installing and configuring Dataedo Web Catalog. Use links below to access detailed articles for each step of installation. If you're unsure how to continue at any point or encounter any issues, contact us.


You can get Web Catalog on our download page by choosing "Download Web" link.

Quick installation

If you're a trial user, this quick installation guide will allow you to try out Dataedo Web Catalog on your own easily. It will work if:

  • you have no SQL Server installed on your machine,
  • you don't need other users to access Dataedo Web Catalog.

If this fits your case, follow this guide. Otherwise, follow the regular installation guide below.

Step 1 - Regular installation

First, download the Dataedo Web Catalog installer from the link you've been provided. Make sure no Windows updates are requiring a restart, since this may complicate the installation process. If possible, restart your machine.

If you already have a Dataedo repository database, or have an SQL Server or Azure SQL Database instance available, follow this guide.

If you don't have an SQL Server instance available, and want to install a free SQL Server Express instance along with Dataedo Web Catalog, follow this guide instead.

Dataedo Web Catalog requires a server repository to run correctly. If you only used a file repository before, check this guide to migrate your file repository, then follow this guide.

Step 2 - Creating a new repository for Dataedo Web

Skip this step if you already have a Dataedo server repository.

Dataedo Web Catalog can create a repository directly from the app if you have sufficient privileges on an SQL Server instance. In this case, follow this guide.

If you have an Azure SQL Database instance, install Dataedo Desktop first, then follow this guide.

If you have an SQL Server instance but are not allowed to create new databases, follow this guide.

Step 3 - Connecting to an existing repository

If you already had a Dataedo server repository or created it according to the step above, follow this guide to connect to an existing Dataedo repository.

Known Issues

  • Repository creation from within the app does not work on Azure SQL Database - use this guide instead
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