Dataedo Web SAML configuration with Azure AD

9th November, 2021
Applies to: Dataedo 10.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 23.x
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Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

This guide will show how to configure Dataedo to work with a SAML identity provider. For this article, we'll be using Azure AD as the IdP, but similar steps can be taken for other providers too.

Initial configuration in Azure Portal (SAML provider)

Open Azure Portal and go to Enterprise Applications. Choose the New application option: Image title

In the next window, choose the Create your own application option: Image title

In the newly opened tab type in the application name for your internal use (I chose "Dataedo Web") and click Create. Image title

After a moment, you should see your new application screen. In the Getting started section, choose Assign users and groups. Image title

Now, use the Add user/group option to add user. Image title

In the menu to the left, chooose Single Sign-on, then from the options to the right choose SAML. Image title

Click Edit in the Basic SAML Configuration section. Image title

You should see a new tab, looking like this: Image title

In the Identifier field, paste the address Dataedo Web will be accessed with from your organization. Note that only HTTPS addresses are allowed. Image title

In the Reply URL section, type in the address your Dataedo Web will be accessed on followed by /api/api/auth/assertion-consumer (for example https://your-Dataedo-Web.address/api/api/auth/assertion-consumer). Image title

Click Save. The tab should now look like this: Image title

Back in the Set up Single Sign-On with SAML tab on the left, find the SAML Signing Certificate section. Image title

Copy the adress marked as App Federation Metadata Url - you will need it later.

Configuring SAML in Dataedo Web settings file

Find the installation path of Dataedo Web (default address is: *C:\Dataedo Web*), then go to Applications\API\ subfolder.

Right click and edit the appsettings.json file, and find the Saml2 section:

  "Saml2": {
    "IdPMetadata": "",
    "Issuer": "",
    "SignatureAlgorithm": "",
    "CertificateValidationMode": "ChainTrust",
    "RevocationMode": "NoCheck"

Paste the App Federation Metadata Url link in the IdPMetadata field (alternatively, paste in the path for the metadata xml file).

In the Issuer field, paste the address specified before in the Identifier field in Azure (you can check it in Basic SAML Configuration > Identifier field in the application details in Azure Portal).

If required, correct the signature algorithm if you don’t use the default RSA_SHA256 algorithm - for example, for RSA_SHA1 the field should have the value.

Find the Saml2Client section:

  "Saml2Client": {
    "DisplayName": "",
    "ClientUrl": ""

Fill the DisplayName field – this will be the name shown when logging in to Dataedo for the Identity Provider.

Make sure the ClientUrl field correctly leads to your Dataedo Web address.

After changes, the edited parts should look like this:

  "Saml2": {
    "IdPMetadata": "",
    "Issuer": "",
    "SignatureAlgorithm": "",
    "CertificateValidationMode": "ChainTrust",
    "RevocationMode": "NoCheck"
  "Saml2Client": {
    "DisplayName": "Azure AD SAML",
    "ClientUrl": ""

Go to IIS Manager, and restart the Dataedo Web app for changes to take effect.

The next time you open Dataedo Web, you should have an option to login with Azure AD:

Image title

Clicking it will either take you to the Azure login page or if you’re already logged in, directly to your Dataedo Web page.

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