List tables that do not appear in any ER diagram

Applies to: Dataedo 10.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 23.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

This query lists tables that are not added to any ER diagram:

SELECT d.title as [database], t.[schema], t.[name] as table_name
FROM [dbo].[tables] t
    inner join [dbo].[databases] d
        on t.database_id = d.database_id
where t.table_id not in (select table_id from [dbo].[erd_nodes])
 and t.object_type in ('TABLE') -- add 'VIEWS' for views
 order by d.title, t.[schema], t.[name]

This query returns tables assigned to modules but not added to an ER diagram:

SELECT d.title as [database], 
        m.title as [module_name], 
        t.[name] as table_name
FROM [dbo].[tables] t
    inner join [dbo].[tables_modules] tm
        on t.table_id = tm.table_id
    inner join [dbo].modules m
        on m.module_id = tm.module_id
    inner join [dbo].[databases] d
        on t.database_id = d.database_id
where t.table_id not in (select table_id 
                           from [dbo].[erd_nodes] en 
                          where en.module_id = tm.module_id)
and t.object_type in ('TABLE')
order by d.title, m.title, t.[schema], t.[name]
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