Release notes 10.1.2

31st January, 2022
Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current)
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Release Notes 10.1.2

With the Dataedo 10.1.2, we fixed a few an issue, which encountered in Dataedo 10.1.x

Addressed issues

Issue Resolution status Fix version External links
When importing database changes (updating schema), tables where changes were made in the database since the last update was made, may have the table or column title removed. Fixed. For new columns, we are importing Titles. On column update, we are not overwriting the Title. 10.1.2
Some users were unable to login into Web Catalog with Active Directory, after upgrading from Dataedo 9.x. Fixed 10.1.2

How to check if I was affected?

To check if you were affected, check one of the tables changed during one of the previous imports. You can use schema change tracking to find these objects.

Repository changes

Repository upgrade is not needed with this version.