Release notes 7.0.3 beta

Piotr Tokarski - Dataedo Team Piotr Tokarski 8th June, 2018
Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current)
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Azure repository support

Until now, Dataedo supported file and SQL Server based repository. In 7.0.3 beta, we're adding support for storing repository in Azure SQL Database.

Note that Azure repository support is a work in progress. It is stable, but requires more preparation than usually.

Click here to find out more.

Azure repository

Improvements and bug fixes

Import improvements

  • DBMS list during import is now sorted alphabetically
  • Fixed an issue in Oracle procedure script import using Select any dictionary privilege

ERD improvements

  • Fixed an issue with editing relation on an ERD
  • Removed Add relation button on ERD - to add a relation use the right click context menu

HTML export improvements

  • Added relation title and relation name caption in HTML export on vertical screens
  • You can now alter HTML favicon in custom templates

Other improvements

  • Paste in bulk add columns of manual table design option now ignores empty lines
  • Connection to SQL Server 2005 now displays a proper warning
  • Search now also checks object's scripts
  • Fixed an issue with Upgrade message wrongly appearing in Lite edition when clicking on navigation tree
  • Reworked right click menu in navigation tree

Testing beta

Please create a separate repository for testing Dataedo 7.0 beta.

You can install Dataedo 7.0 programs in parallel with existing Dataedo 6. Both will be in separate folders and use separate configuration files.