Data Roles - Steward Hub

Marcin Zlotek - Dataedo Team Marcin Zlotek 4th July, 2024

If you want to know more about Custom Fields click here.

This module allows you to assign User Custom Fields (CFs) to objects. Many organizations assign responsibility for certain objects to specific employees, who ensures that the object is up to date and correct. This tool allows you to easily assign people to multiple objects at once.


Because there may be defined a few User Custom Fields, first dashboard presents a coverage of assigning each CF to objects. Link on the right will navigate you to the specific CF dashboard.


This dashboard presents how many objects don't have assigned User CF, groupped by data source. Assign hyperlink will open the view with a list of unassigned objects filterd by data source and optionally object type.

CF dashboard

Assign users to objects

Linking view

This view shows objects without assigned user to it. You can use the filters (1) to display only the objects you want. There are two options to assign person to objects:

  • Bulk mode: Select objects (2) and click Assign selected button (3). In the popup window choose user and save your changes.
  • Single mode: Click cell in the column with CF name and choose value from dropdown list.

Veryfing suggestions

This submodule will be released later.

Further reading

Check out more Steward Hub modules.