Workflows in Dataedo

Maria Pulawska - Dataedo Team Maria Pulawska 3rd June, 2024

In 24.2 we introduced workflows to Dataedo. Manual objects (terms, domains and lookups) now have a representation of its status and can be transitioned through stages of work – from defining an idea to being published after an official approval. The path that these objects take is a workflow. The workflow can be fully customized according to needs and reflects the process within your organization.

Review and change status

Workflow consist of statuses and different actions are required to take based on the status the object is in. Data Stewards now have new item in Dataedo Portal’s navigation – Steward Hub. Its purpose is to showcase actions which need to be done or are suggested to be don by the Data Steward.

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In this section you will see all the objects that require your attention and you’ll be able to change their status. Each time a new object lands in Steward Hub an assigned user will be notified by in-app notification, so that they don’t miss it.

Below you can see an example view in Steward Hub. In the navigation you can see the actions you should take. After clicking one of them, you’ll see a list of objects to e.g. review and change their status to the next one in the workflow or to move them back if they require further adjustments.

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Please note that if the Assignee is based on a custom field of the user type, it will be inherited from Glossary for terms with this field blank. This means that if there exists a custom field Owner and it is assigned to a user in Glossary, that person will see all terms where no one is assigned to Owner in Steward Hub to take an action with them.

Visibility of objects based on status

Whether viewers can see objects in Dataedo is determined by permissions, but also by the status of the object.

All the manual objects (terms, domains and lookups) have a workflow assigned and are in some selected status, according to the workflow’s statuses. Each status has a parameter called Visible for viewers which defines whether an object in this status is available for viewers or is going to remain hidden until published.

Usually each object's visibility is based on its own workflow status. Note that there is an exception in Domains. If a domain's status claims it is not visible to viewers, all its nested areas are hidden as well. The same applies to parent areas (those, which have nested areas).

This can be tailored to each organization’s needs by configuring workflow by an admin. Read more about the configuration here.

Status history

Users with edit permissions are able to check object’s status history in the community tab. You can see a full list of changes made to its status, sorted from the latest on the top.

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