Bad Data Insights Cartoons

"Incorrect" data

"Incorrect" data

Not all the data that is correct is "correct". You know what kind of correctness I mean. Hush hush.

Situation is Stable

Situation is Stable

Historical data can be really valuable, but also a little misleading.

Funny Story

Funny Story

When you want to start measuring or analyzing something, quite often you have no idea what kinds of results to expect. Often, you take whatever comes out of your SQL (or BI report) as truth. "OK, so our performance did grow 20000% last month..." (OK, maybe not that extreme). But how can you be sure? There are so many things that could've gone wrong - the quality of data, incorrect assumptions, error in a query... Even such trivial as missing up asc and desc. Be cautious!

2 billion employees?

2 billion employees?

Do you always trust the data you get from your data/IT team?

Business definitions

Business definitions

If you can’t agree on what you’re measuring and how to calculate it, it doesn’t matter what data, BI tools or experts you have.

Asc, desc, whatever

Asc, desc, whatever

Sometimes you write the most sophisticated query and celebrate the results. Only to find out that you forgot something as trivial as a sort order...



If the numbers look too good, check the SQL.

This was a good quarter, right?

This was a good quarter, right?

Don't always trust what you see on the reports. Even if data is correct, there can always be a bug in a query. Do all your analysts understand the schema of the databases they are querying?

We are number one!

We are number one!

Do you trust the numbers you get on the reports? Data may be incorrect and there are many pitfalls in querying data.

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