Common Language Cartoons

ETL, Mr President

ETL, Mr President

Is there effective communication between IT & Business within your organization?

Translator Needed

Translator Needed

Does your IT and business communicate effectively or do you need a translator?

How many customers we have?

How many customers we have?

Customer, sales, employee, order, ... - very basic terms in every business, right? Everyone knows what it means, right? If you agree then go ahead, choose 5 people from 5 different departments how would they define it. You might be surprised that definitions don't match up.

This can lead to many misunderstandings, bad decisions, inconsistent actions. And many people frustrated with reports they are given.

A solution? Get different people in a room (ok, Zoom call) and make them agree on the terms and their definitions. Then collect it in a Business Glossary and publish it for everyone in organization. You can use Dataedo for that.

Business definitions

Business definitions

If you can’t agree on what you’re measuring and how to calculate it, it doesn’t matter what data, BI tools or experts you have.

No such thing as a 'Department'?

No such thing as a 'Department'?

Does your IT and business speak the same language?

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