Reporting Cartoons

"Incorrect" data

"Incorrect" data

Not all the data that is correct is "correct". You know what kind of correctness I mean. Hush hush.

Do We Trust This Data?

Do We Trust This Data?

Have you ever heard of GIGO? Garbage In - Garbage Out? Don't expect to get useful insights and directions from your dashboards if you feed it with garbage data.

Time to Value (from Data)

Time to Value (from Data)

Insights have an expiration date, too.

Pick your version of reality

Pick your version of reality

Did you ever see different reports or charts showing same metric (or called the same) that showed completely different values or even trends? I did, quite often. Why is that so? Well, there are many reasons but let me narrow it down to 2:

  1. Lack of common understanding of business concepts - you can solve it with a Business Glossary, a common vocabulary with precise definitions,

  2. Lack of understanding of data and its logic (calculations, relationships, etc.) - and you can solve it with a Data Dictionary.

You can build both artifacts in one catalog and share in one UI - using Dataedo.

We Have All the Data

We Have All the Data

Reporting and analytics are easy. You connect to the data source. Run a query. Voila!

Your report is my priority

Your report is my priority

Is IT a bottleneck in your reporting and analytics? Do you need to wait in line before you could get this data or report? If so, then your organization cannot utilize data fully for insights and efficiency.

A solution is building of data literacy and promotion of use of data in a business community so they do not need help to access and get value out of data. You can do this with self-service BI or analytics tools, providing access to databases and promotion of SQL, and implementation of data catalogs – an inventory and documentation of your data.

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