Dataedo 24.4 (December 4th, 2024)
- Data Quality
- Badges
- System level Lineage in Portal
- Custom Fields management via Portal
- Workflows improvements
- New connectors
- Purview
- Cloudera
- Connectors improvements
- SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) Multidimensional data lineage improvements
- SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) data lineage improvements
- SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) data lineage improvements
- Power BI data lineage improvements
- Azure Data Factory (ADF) improvements
- Salesforce descriptions
- SQL Parser and Data Lineage improvements
- Oracle (PL/SQL) procedures and functions parsing
- Import speed improvement
- More Public API endpoints
- UX/UI improvements in Portal
Dataedo 24.3.2 (November 21st, 2024)
Bugfixes and improvements:
- 'Method "OpenApp" time out' error fix.
- '0 imported objects' problem fix.
- The "Unable to add object to ignored Error mapping types" error fix.
SQL Server:
- The 'sysjobsteps' permissions error fix.
- Filtering by top-level projects has been enabled.
- General lineage improvements.
Dataedo 24.3.1 (October 28th, 2024)
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Qlik On Prem:
- Connection fixed when host ends with '/' character.
- Redshift:
- S3 to Redshift lineage added.
- Lineage from COPY INTO.
- Power Bi:
- "Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'" error fix.
- "Unable to synchronize data lineage" error fix.
- Athena:
- "Column 'v.tables_schema' cannot be resolved or requester is not authorized" crash fix and performance fixes.
- Oracle:
- Import preformance improvements.
- Desktop:
- "Error while inserting value of the 'sessions' record" error fix.
- "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'new object')" error fix.
- Profiling type selection fix.
- Portal:
- Tooltip's background color fixed.
Dataedo 24.3 (October 10th, 2024)
- New homepage in Portal
- Data Lineage improvements in Portal
- Data Quality Insights
- Steward Hub suggestions in Portal
- System Overview Dashboard
- Bookmarking objects in Portal
- Multiple tasks of the same type in Scheduler
- Fivetran connector
- SAP BusinessObjects BI connector
- IBM z/OS Custom Connector
- Importing basic table statistics
- SQL Parser and Data Lineage improvements in Dataedo Desktop
- Snowflake connector improvements
- Qlik Sense On-Premise connector
- Lineage improvements for SSIS
- Databricks improvements
- Power BI improvements
- Power BI reports usage
- Sharepoint Lists connector
- Azure Service Principal authentication
- Bulk add Glossary Entries including Custom Fields
- Ability to load definitions from excel file into glossary
- Security enhancements
- License update
Dataedo 24.2.7 (September 12th, 2024)
- Data Lineage import - Error while getting data flow columns fixed.
- The "System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing" login error fix.
- Saving changes while using CTRL + HOME shortcut fix.
- XSS vulnerability on the home page of portal fix.
- HTML injection fix on the community.
- Tableau import: only the first sheet of a dashboard imported fix.
- The "The connection was recovered and row count in the first query is not available." crash fix while deleting the ERD node.
Dataedo 24.2.6 (August 28th, 2024)
- The "Unable to synchronize data lineage. Nullable object must have a value" import error fix.
- DBT:
- Endpoint selection control added in the connection control.
- Parsing BigInteger API response improvements.
- Qlik Sense: the "String or binary data would be truncated in table 'tmp_import_columns" crash fix.
- Snowflake: Better shared databases handling in the import process to avoid import exceptions.
- Tableau: Tableau Cloud import issue fix for "The HTTP request failed with status code GatewayTimeout" exception while using Tabelau Bridge.
- Fix saving login value in the sessions repository table from desktop application.
Dataedo 24.2.5 (August 6th, 2024)
- Fix import crashes while importing changes from procedures with deleted process. Error code: "Error in transaction occurred while processing method! Method name:
Dataedo 24.2.4 (July 30th, 2024)
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Data lineage import performance improvements.
- Profiling performance improvements.
- ERD - fix crashes while saving the ERD diagram.
- Fix the 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' crash while selecting nodes on the navigation tree.
- Lookup values - better list sorting.
- AI description column visibility fix on glossary grid.
- Fix disappearing nested areas while moving to different domains.
- Allow to recalculate lineage using the 'Reimport all included objects' option.
- HTML export - better areas sorting on the navigation tree.
- Scheduler:
- Recognition, if service is already installed, has been improved.
- The 'Error while opening execution details: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error fix.
- Changed the Dataedo Agent installer. No providing of port needed. Enabling of the Hangfire dashboard on demand by manually editing the settings file.
- Fivetran connector added.
- SQL Server - 'Invalid owner passed to DefaultDesktopHandler' error fix.
- Percona - SSL connection fix.
- Vertica - Freeze on import step fix.
- Tabelau - Fix of the 'Timeout of X millis was reached' error.
- Mongo DB - Fix of 'Collection names must be non-empty and not contain the null character' & 'Duplicate element name 'status'' errors.
- Oracle - The 'NullReferenceException' error fix.
- IBM Db2LUW - Fix retrieving the database version.
- Power BI - The 'Operation returned an invalid status code 'NotFound'' error fix.
- Databricks - Improvements in data lineage creation from external locations.
- Azure SQL - SQL Parsing step performance improvements.
Dataedo 24.2.3 (July 16th, 2024)
- Fix for connecting to the repository using the SSH
Dataedo 24.2.2 (June 24th, 2024)
Bugfixes and improvements:
- Fix null exception while opening linked column view/side panel.
- Fix 404 error while opening report column view.
- Added new OpenAI models - GPT-4 Turbo and Omni.
- Parsing procedures scripts improvements.
- Added alphabetical sorting to the domains linking popup.
- Added auto showing task/execution details when double-clicking a row in Scheduler Dashboard.
- Fix URI format exception when opening Lineage explorer.
- Fix null exception while importing changes for Azure Data Factory.
- Fix argument exception while importing changes for SSRS.
Dataedo 24.2.1 (June 11th, 2024)
- Fix crash when saving SMTP configuration from appsettings to the repository.
- Fix missing glossaries in the list created by the user (users have edit permissions to newly created glossaries by default).
- Fix application cache refresh when the user logs in to the application.
- Fix scheduler schema permissions.
- Fix timeout on saving table after bulk editing of column descriptions.
- Fix null exception while pasting values into multiple rows.
- Saving ERD links fix.
- Steward Hub - progress percent display fix.
- Copying permissions of domain/area while copying the object.
- Tableau Reporting - fix crash during importing columns.
- Tableau - "The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool" error fix.
- Databricks - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error while building lineage fix.
Dataedo 24.2 (June 3rd, 2024)
- Scheduler
- Workflows
- Public API
- Data Lineage improvements
- Steward Hub
- Qlik Sense Cloud connector
- REST API (OpenAPI) connector
- Oracle E-Business Suite connector
- Apache Atlas integration
- Amazon QuickSight connector
- Connector improvements: Snowflake, SSIS, SSAS Tabular, PowerBI, Azure Data Factory and Synapse Pipelines
- Filtering, sorting and pagination
- Import process improvements
- AI generated descriptions in Desktop
- New built-in classification (PIPEDA)
- UX improvements
Dataedo 24.1.4 (March 11th, 2024)
Bugfixes and improvements:
- SAML - fix for external email address (Dataedo Portal)
- The "Cannot find object cache_permissions_repository object" crash fix (Dataedo Portal)
- The "Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The wait operation timed out." crash fix (Dataedo Portal)
- CMD import fix, for imports with filters in SQL Server
- Import timeout improved for Snowflake
- Import fix after changes of Dynamic tables type in Snowflake API
- Datatype truncation error fixed in Databricks
- The "Null Reference Exception" crashes while getting columns fixed in Databricks
- The "('.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character" crash fix in SSRS
Dataedo 24.1.3 (February 27th, 2024)
- Fix for command line import crash
- Power BI - Report Server URL generator fixed
- Power BI - Better import support when the user does not have access to Dataflows in the Workspace
- Power BI - "Data Lineage - column-level lineage marked as deleted" fixed
- Stored procedures parsing improvements (Synapse Analytics Database and others)
- Interface tables - fix for removing structures during import changes
- Scanning SQL Jobs is now optional during the import - better handling for users without permission to see jobs
- Import from Excel file crash fix
- Import Redshift - "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.." crash fix
- Import Databricks - better handling in case no pipelines were found
- Import ODBC/Custom connectors - dependencies import fix
- Fix for hidden navigation tree after minimizing the application with upgrade bars.
- "Parent of class DataDomain with id X can not be converted to a domain" crash fix
Dataedo 24.1.2 (February 6th, 2024)
- A fix in data lineage building for the SSAS Multidimensional connector
- SSIS import fix for message 'Unable to synchronize objects Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')'
- Fix for crash while exporting HTML for users without permissions to create a custom export template directory in Documents folder
- Fix for crash occuring after selecting Paste Metadata connector in version 24.1
Dataedo 24.1.1 (February 1st, 2024)
- Azure SQL Database connector didnt't detect changes at column level during import changes
- Steward Hub crashed for SQL Server 2016 and older
- Data lineage was not updated with CMD import
- Data Lineage diagram improvements
- Saving the refresh profiling file crashed when the database didn't have saved password
- Power BI - import fix for reports with external dataset
- SSIS Multidimensional - changes in object names to better represent source objects
- Improvements in detecting linked sources for objects and building data lineage based on connections from those linked sources
Dataedo 24.1 (January 18th, 2024)
- Statuses
- Steward Hub
- New/improved connectors:
- PowerBI
- Databricks
- SSAS Multidimensional
- Microsoft Dynamics365
- Azure Data Factory
- Neo4j
- Jobs and sequences import
- Import changes for structures
- Improved Data Lineage in Dataedo Portal
- Licensing in Dataedo Portal
- New authentication options in Dataedo Portal
- Spellcheck in Dataedo Desktop
- Administration console migrated to Dataedo Desktop
- Paste Metadata (Interface Tables) in Dataedo Desktop