ClickHouse (Custom Connector)

Samuel Chmiel - Dataedo Team Samuel Chmiel 8th April, 2024
Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current)
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Custom connector for ClickHouse utilizes an ODBC connection for executing custom queries and retrieves metadata using specific queries tailored to this data source.

ODBC Driver

Before importing, using the custom connector requires the installation and configuration of the ODBC driver.

We have tested the import using the ClickHouse Official ODBC Driver 64bit

ODBC Driver configuration

First Download ODBC driver.

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Extract files and double click on clickhouse-odbc-<version>-win64 and follow the instructions to install a driver.

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After that hit windows key, search for ODBC DataSources 64 bit and open this app. In System DSN tab you should be able to see ClickHouse DSN (Unicode).

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Go to User DSN tab and click on Add button. Double click on ClickHouse DSN (Unicode) to configure it.

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Provide all the connection as follows:

  • Name - Some convinient name for the connection.
  • Host - Host of your ClickHouse instance (without https://).
  • Port - Set it to HTTP SSL/TLS port. Default port: 8443.
  • User - ClickHouse database user.
  • Password - ClickHouse database password.
  • Timeout - You can set it to 200 and adjust if needed.

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Connector features

Data Catalog

Dataedo will document following objects from ClockHouse:

  • Tables,
  • Views
  • Procedures,
  • Functions

How to connect

To connect to ClickHouse create new documentation by clicking Add and choosing New connection.

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On the connection screen choose Clickhouse (Local Custom Connector) or Clickhouse (Shared Custom Connector)

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Choose ODBC driver configured earlier

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Click Connect

Connector specification

Imported objects

Object Imported as
Table Table
View View

Tables metadata

Metadata Imported as
Name Name
Comment Description
Columns Table columns
   Name Name
   Data type Data type

Views metadata

Metadata Imported as
Name Name
Comment Description
Columns View columns
   Name Name
   Data type Data type