Oracle database support

Applies to: Dataedo 23.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 10.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Catalog and documentation

Data catalog

Dataedo documents metadata of following objects:

  • Tables
  • Views
  • Materialized views
  • Procedures
  • Packages
  • Functions
  • Sequences
  • Jobs

For more details, go to Connector specification section

Descriptions, aliases and custom fields

When technical metadata is imported users will be able to edit descriptions of each object and element, provide meaningful aliases (titles) and document everyting with additional custom fields.

Import and export comments

When importing metadata from Oracle, Dataedo reads table, view and column comments.

Business Glossary

Users will be able to link a Business Glossary term to any Oracle object.

Table relationships and keys

Dataedo imports table relationships (foreign keys), primary and unique keys with their columns.

ER Diagrams

Using imported and manually created foreign keys Dataedo allows you to create your own ER diagrams (ERDs) manually.

Data Profiling

Users will be able to run data profiling for a table, view or materialized view, then save selected data in the repository. This data will be available from Desktop and Web. Profiling requires Select Permission over profiled object.

Lookups / Reference data

Users will be able to build Lookups for columns in Oracle tables and views and feed them with distinct values from a column.

Data Classification

Users will be able to run classification on Snowflake database in the repository in serach of columns containing potentially sensitive data. All built in functions are supported.

Importing changes and schema change tracking

Changes to descriptions in Dataedo Desktop and Web Catalog are tracked and saved in the repository.

Description changes

Changes to descriptions in Dataedo Desktop and Web Catalog are tracked and saved in the repository. Users are able to manually edit object description.

Share in Web Catalog or export to HTML, PDF or Excel

Documentations can be exported by sharing it in web catalog or generating HTML, PDF or Excel.

Subject areas

Users can mannually create multiple ERDs in subject areas, as a diagram of whole database or only part of it.

How to Connect

  1. Connection type -choose connection type (Direct or Oracle client )
  2. Host - provide a host name or address where a database is on. E.g. server17, or
  3. Service name - type in Oracle instance Service name
  4. Port - type in Oracle instance port name
  5. User and password - provide your username and password
  6. Schema - you can choose schema(s) that you want to import to your documentation

Connection to Oracle

Connector specification

Supported versions

Oracle 9i R1, 9i R2, 10g R1, 10g R2, 11g R1, 11g R2, 12c R1, 12c R2, 18c, 19c, 21c, 23c.

Supported editions

Express, Standard and Enterprise.

Imported objects

Object Imported as
Table Table
View View
Materialized view View
Procedure Procedure
Package Package
Function Function
Sequence Sequence
Job Task/Job

Imported metadata

Imported Editable
   Data types
   Column comments
  Table comments
  Foreign keys
  Primary keys
  Unique keys
Views, Materialized Views
    Data types
    Column comments
  View comments
Procedures, Cubes
User-defined Functions
  Input arguments
  Output results
  Function comments
  Sequence comments
  Job definition
  Job comments
    Data types

Supported features

Feature Imported
Import comments
Write comments back
Data profiling
Reference data (import lookups)
Importing from DDL
Generating DDL
FK relationship tester
Writing back comments


Dataedo reads comments from following Oracle objects:

Object Read Write back
Table comments
  Column comments
View comments
Procedures and Cubes comments
Function comments
Sequence comments
Job comments

Data profiling

Datedo supports following data profiling in Oracle:

Profile Support
Table row count
Table sample data
Column distribution (unique, non-unique, null, empty values)
Min, max values
Standard deviation
Min-max span
Number of distinct values
Top 10/100/1000 values
10 random values

Read more about profiling in a Data Profliling documentation.

Data Lineage

Source Method Version
Views - object level From dependencies
Views - object level From SQL parsing
Views - column level From SQL parsing

Required access level

Importing database objects requires certain access level in documented database. User specified in "Import objects from database" window should at least have "Connect" role, and "Create session" system privilege.

Importing objects definition from different schema requires either SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY (recommended) or SELECT permission on any table, view and Execute on any procedure, function, sequence and job that are to be documented.

No data is altered in source database during a synchronization process.

Following objects are accessed during schema import process:

  • all_constraints
  • all_cons_columns
  • all_objects
  • all_tab_columns
  • all_tab_comments
  • dual

Known issues and limitations

Following schema elements currently are not supported:

  • Check constraints (vote)
  • Non unique indexes (vote