Azure SQL Database support

Applies to: Dataedo 10.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 23.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Supported versions


May work with 11 but is not officially supported.

Supported schema elements and metadata

  • Tables
    • Columns
      • Data type with length
      • Identity (is identity on)
      • Nullable
      • Default value
      • Computed column specification
    • Primary keys
      • Columns
    • Unique indexes
      • Columns
    • Foreign keys
      • Columns
    • Triggers
      • When triggered
      • Script
  • Views
    • Columns (see tables)
    • Script
  • Procedures
    • Script
    • Parameters
  • Functions
    • Script
    • Parameters
    • Returned value
  • Dependencies

Descriptions & extended properties

Dataedo reads and writes extended properties from/to following Azure SQL Database objects:

  • Tables
    • Columns
    • Primary/unique keys
    • Foreign keys
    • Triggers
  • Views
    • Columns
  • Procedures
    • Parameters
  • Functions
    • Parameters

Data profiling

Datedo supports following data profiling in Azure SQL:

  • Tables
    • Rows count
  • Column distribution
    • Distinct values
    • Non-distinct values
    • Empty
    • NULL
  • Numeric columns profile
    • Minimum value
    • Maximum value
    • Average of values
    • Variance of values
    • Standard deviation
    • Span as difference between min and max value
    • Number of distinct values
  • String columns profile
    • Min value as first string in alphabetical order
    • Max value as last string in alphabetical order
    • Number of distinct values
  • Date columns profile
    • Min value as earliest date
    • Max value as latest date
    • Span as difference between min and max dates
    • Number of distinct dates
  • Top N values
    • Top 10/100/1000 popular values
    • All values if less than 1000 distinct
    • 10 Random values

Read more about profiling in a Data Profliling documentation.


Following schema elements currently are not supported:

  • Check constraints (vote)
  • Non unique indexes (vote)
  • Unique indexes on views (planned)

Column-level data lineage from SELECT and CREATE VIEW statements

Dataedo based on the script will create for views and SQL queries automatically column-level lineage. Just leave the "Automatic lineage" option checked during import. If you disable the "Automatic lineage" option, you will still have the option to trigger the automatic creation of column-level lineage through the "Parse Script to Lineage" option, which is located in the Script tab.

This function automatically works for manually added views that were created using a script, as well as for SQL Query objects.

Graphic shows how to run an automatic column-level data lineage in Dataedo


We do not support the creation of an automatic lineage for the following SQL syntax:

  • Statements that access nested data such JSON, XML, or objects as columns,
  • PIVOT and UNPIVOT relational operators,
  • Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE),
  • Dynamic queries,
  • Window functions.

Required access level

Importing database schema requires certain access level in documented database. The user used for importing or updating schema should at least have "View definition" permission granted on all objects that are to be documented. "Select" also works on tables and views.

No data is altered in a source database, therefore no "Select" or "Execute" grant is needed.

Following objects are accessed during schema import process:

  • sys.columns
  • sys.extended_properties
  • sys.indexes
  • sys.index_columns
  • sys.procedures
  • sys.sql_modules
  • sys.tables
  • sys.views
  • sys.all_objects
  • sys.objects
  • sysobjects
  • sysusers

Learn more

Connect to Azure SQL Database

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