Snowflake support

Applies to: Dataedo 10.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 23.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Supported schema elements and metadata

Current version imports:

  • Tables, External tables
    • Columns
      • Data types
      • Nullability
      • Column comments
    • Table comments
  • Views
    • Script
    • Columns
      • Data types
      • Column comments
    • View comments
  • Procedures
    • Script
    • Parameters
  • User-defined Functions
    • Script
    • Input arguments (all as a single field)
    • Output results (as a single field)
    • Function comments


Dataedo reads comments from following Snowflake objects:

  • Tables
    • Columns
  • Views
    • Columns
  • Functions

Dataedo does not write comments back to Snowflake at this moment.

Data profiling

Datedo supports following data profiling in Snowflake:

  • Tables
    • Rows count
  • Column distribution
    • Distinct values
    • Non-distinct values
    • Empty
    • NULL
  • Numeric columns profile
    • Minimum value
    • Maximum value
    • Average of values
    • Variance of values
    • Standard deviation
    • Span as difference between min and max value
    • Number of distinct values
  • String columns profile
    • Min value as first string in alphabetical order
    • Max value as last string in alphabetical order
    • Number of distinct values
    • Minimum string length
    • Maximum string length
    • Average string length
    • Standard deviation of string length values
    • Variance of string length values
  • Date columns profile
    • Min value as earliest date
    • Max value as latest date
    • Span as difference between min and max dates
    • Number of distinct dates
  • Top N values
    • Top 10/100/1000 popular values
    • All values if less than 1000 distinct
    • 10 Random values

Read more about profiling in a Data Profliling documentation.

Snowflake database, role, warehouse name and credentials limitations

Due to Snowflake Connector for .NET limitations:

  • Username and password
    • Cannot contain ; and = characters
  • Database, role and warehouse name
    • Cannot contain ; and ‘ or \ characters

Under development

  • Relations names and tables

Known limitations

  • Snowflake’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA currently doesn’t contain data on object dependencies and Dataedo doesn't import it. We will add this to import once Snowflake adds it to the metadata.

Learn more

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