Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly SQL DW) support

Applies to: Dataedo 10.x versions, Article available also for: 24.x (current), 23.x
You are looking at documentation for an older release.
Switch to the documentation for Dataedo 24.x (current).

Supported versions


May work with 11 but is not officially supported.

Dataedo supports both Dedicated and Serverless SQL pools.

Supported schema elements and metadata

  • Tables
    • Columns
      • Data type with length
      • Identity (is identity on)
      • Nullable
      • Default value
  • Views
    • Columns (see tables)
    • Script
  • Procedures
    • Script
    • Parameters
  • Functions
    • Script
    • Parameters
    • Returned value
  • Dependencies (between tables and views only)

Descriptions & extended properties

Dataedo reads and writes extended properties from/to following Azure SQL Data Warehouse objects:

  • Tables
    • Columns
  • Views
    • Columns
  • Procedures
    • Parameters
  • Functions
    • Parameters

Data profiling

Datedo does not support data profiling in Azure Synapse.

Required access level

Importing database schema requires certain access level in documented database. The user used for importing or updating schema should at least have "View definition" permission granted on all objects that are to be documented. "Select" also works on tables and views.

No data is altered in a source database, therefore no "Select" or "Execute" grant is needed.

Following objects are accessed during schema import process:

  • sys.columns
  • sys.extended_properties
  • sys.indexes
  • sys.index_columns
  • sys.procedures
  • sys.sql_modules
  • sys.tables
  • sys.views
  • sys.all_objects
  • sys.objects
  • sysobjects
  • sysusers
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